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Growing confident, curious and creative minds

Ages 5-16


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Snowy Mountains

Welcome to Bloom Education

A Winchester-based educational service with children at its heart. We aim to grow confident, curious and creative minds and pride ourselves on offering a unique service that will exceed the current educational norms.

These 1:1 or small group sessions are highly personalised to the needs of your child and aim to develop confidence, resilience and a love of learning.

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We offer lessons during the day for children who are educated outside of a formal school setting.

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We have designed a series of exciting workshops that achieve the perfect balance between fun and learning. Suitable for children aged 7-13 


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We are able to offer tailored support for children at your school who need alternative, personalised provision.


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Our Philosophy

We recognise that the world is changing and with it, so are children. We’ve created Bloom Education as we recognised an opportunity to make a difference. Our aim, put simply, is to help children grow into happy learners and confident individuals.


Like all plants, children grow and bloom at different times, and only if the conditions are right. At Bloom Education, you can be certain that your child will learn in an environment that will help them to thrive.

Bloom Education
Growing confident, curious and creative minds.


Design & Photography by 

Bloom Education LLP | Company Registration Number OC428039 | The Red Barn, Easton Lane, Easton, Winchester, SO21 1DQ



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